Terms & Conditions for Providers

First: the contractual relationship

  • These terms and conditions represent an official agreement “contract” between Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, “Marni,” and the roadside assistance service providers via the Morni application, “service providers.” These terms govern the service providers’ use of the Morni application, which is an “electronic platform that combines... Service providers and customers using the application, so that the Marni application allows customers using the application to contact service providers to request the provision of services to them according to what the application provides.” The application’s services include transporting vehicles and machinery, repairing faults and tire breakdowns, and other services that are considered part of roadside assistance services. “Services ”.
  • Any use by you of the services provided by the Marni application constitutes your complete acceptance of this contract and its provisions, and accordingly, you must not use the application if you do not agree to any of the terms and conditions contained in this contract .
  • Mornika reserves the right to amend or change these terms and conditions and their consequences without prior notice, and it is your sole responsibility as a service provider to the application’s customers to periodically review the terms and conditions of use for updates to these terms and conditions through the electronic link ( www.morniksa.com ) , We also hope that you review our privacy policy to learn more about how Marni uses the information made available to us through service providers, customers, or the application .
  • Some supplemental terms may apply to certain services, such as policies for a particular event, activity or promotional campaign, and these supplemental terms will be disclosed to you in relation to the services provided, and these supplemental terms are in addition to these terms and conditions of service providers for the purposes of the services provided and are considered part of them. Supplementary terms prevail over these terms in the event of a conflict with regard to the services provided .
  • Morni collects personal data and information about service providers and customers in order to use it in connection with providing and developing services in accordance with what is stipulated in Morni’s privacy policy, which can be viewed through the electronic link (www.morniksa.com), and Morni may provide the necessary information (including your contact information or vehicle information) to claims settlement companies, insurance companies or relevant government agencies in the event of a complaint, dispute or disagreement which may include an accident occurring between you and an external service provider where this information or data is necessary to settle the complaint . Or dispute or disagreement, and your use of the service constitutes your acknowledgment of Marni’s right to use the information in accordance with what was stated above .

Second: Scope Of The License

  • Marni grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, and non-sublicensable license to provide the services available through the application to customers, provided that the use of this license is for the purposes of servicing the application’s customers only (and not for any commercial purposes, without limitation) in accordance with For this contract, you must :
    • Not to make the Services available and rent, lease, assign, resell, distribute or sublicense these Services to any third party .
    • Not to modify, decompile, translate, summarize, create a derivative work of, decompile, reverse engineer the design of the Flexible Application or otherwise determine or attempt to determine or attempt to access the source code or internal design of the Services or any text; or Multimedia images (photos, audio, video files), data or other information provided by Marni or third-party service providers .
    • Do not delete, alter, or otherwise modify any copyright or other official notices contained in the Services .
    • Do not intentionally transmit or distribute the Services, or allow the Services to be downloaded for use other than as specified herein .
    • Do not claim to provide the Services or allow access to them to anyone other than yourself .
    • Do not allow the sharing of the username/password or other justifications for accessing Marni services .
    • As part of the shipping policy for the Marni service, users and delegates are prohibited from purchasing, delivering, sending, receiving, or receiving the following categories of materials and products and anything related to them, and you must allow the provider to open any shipment and ensure its safety and compliance with the conditions .
categoriesExamples of products and items
AlcoholSpirits and intoxicants, wine, champagne, beer , etc.
Prohibited animals and racesAnimal parts, blood or other fluids, noxious weeds, prohibited seeds, plants and any other organic materials (including production derivatives) that are at risk of extinction or whose trade is prohibited by law .
PornographyPornographic materials or those that may constitute sexual exploitation of children .
Proprietary materials and applicationsIllegal copies of books, music, movies and any other licensed and protected materials, including copyright infringements, illegal copies of applications, software, video games, and any other licensed and protected materials such as original applications, software packages, or other products that enable the sending of anonymous messages. To email .
Counterfeit and illegal goodsCounterfeit goods or designs, items not signed by celebrities that would normally require such a signature, counterfeit signatures, coins, stamps and other goods that may be illegal .
Devices and mechanisms used to decode or penetrate technical protectionAny chips or other devices used to bypass technical protection on digital devices, including iPhone decoders .
Drugs and their equipmentIllicit substances, drugs, illegal medicines, preparation equipment including herbal pills such as salvia and magic mushrooms, and materials promoting the use of such products; Or legal substances, such as plants and herbs, in a way that requires them to be digested, inhaled, or any illegal substances extracted from them that have the same effect as drugs or illegal substances, or that claim to achieve health benefits without proof or proof .
Games and gamblingLottery tickets, sports betting, online gambling site memberships, and any related content .
Electronic hacking materialsGuides, directives, information and requirements that violate the law by sabotaging or allowing illegal access to applications, software, servers, websites or any other protected property .
human organsHuman organs or any parts of the body, fluids, stem cells and embryos .
Illegal and stolen goodsMaterials, products and information that promote illegal goods or enable illegal acts; Goods that you do not own or have no right to sell; Goods that are produced infringing on the proprietary rights of third parties; Contraband goods and goods that violate import and export regulations and regulations; Vehicles subject to transportation restrictions; Goods registered in public registers (such as real estate) whose transfer requires formal procedures that cannot be accomplished online. You and the customer are entirely responsible for verifying that all materials you sell are legal and authorized .
Illegal communications equipmentDevices intended to receive free satellite and cable signals, cable decoders, encryption cards, encryption card programming devices, and illegal equipment and products used to modify cell phones and other equipment that are illegal under the regulations of the Telecommunications Authority or any regulating body in the country in which they are offered. Goods .
Super drugsUnproven treatments and medications or substances marketed as a quick and effective treatment for health problems .
Inappropriate goodsGoods, literary materials, products or any other material that: ● defames and defames any person or group of persons on the basis of race, country, religion, gender or any other factor. ● Defaming and defaming any person or group of persons protected from defamation and defamation under prevailing law (such as the protection available to ruling families in some areas). ● Incitement or encouragement of violent acts. ● Promoting intolerance and hatred. ● Promoting membership in terrorist groups or any other organizations prohibited by law. ● Promoting revisionist theories specified by law. ● Contrary to prevailing ethical controls .
Aggressive and criminal goodsCriminal scenes, images and materials such as personal belongings associated with crimes or criminal acts .
Precious materialsSelling in large quantities of rare or precious metals and stones
Protected cultural items and artefactsArticles included in the UNESCO Charter of 1970 regarding the means of preventing and protecting the illegal import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property or the sale, export or transfer of ownership of which is prohibited by law; Artifacts, cave formations, and burial-related materials protected under federal law such as the Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988 and the American Burial Grounds Protection Act .
Fireworks devices and hazardous materialsFireworks and related goods that are considered in the markets where they are sold: toxic, flammable or radioactive, and materials such as gunpowder, explosive materials, gasoline, and propane containers .
Goods subject to certain controlsair bags; Batteries containing mercury; ferron and similar refrigerants; Chemical and industrial solvents; medical operations; Car number plates; Police uniforms and law enforcement equipment; lock opening devices; medical equipments; Pesticide; Fitness equipment and electrical stimulators; recovered materials; Inspection and surveillance equipment used primarily to illegally eavesdrop on verbal or electronic communications or to enable the illegal eavesdropping and recording of people's calls; Goods controlled by the government or any other authorities .
Traffic authorities devicesRadar jammers, license plate covers, traffic signal changing devices and other related products .
WeaponsWeapons, ammunition and any other materials include, but are not limited to, hidden and difficult-to-detect weapons and knives, weapons that take the form of pieces of art, silencers, ammunition safes, light machine guns, and tear gas .
Total sale of currenciesDiscount currencies or trading currencies and currencies backed by precious metals .
Delivery to children of primary or middle school age or youngerWe have the right to refuse service to all children under the age of eighteen. In addition, we have the right to refuse delivery to any location in or around elementary or middle schools .
Misuse of the software platformWe completely reject any offensive language or bad behavior towards the company and/or the service we provide and/or any of our employees and/or any of our correspondents. If it is determined, at our discretion, that any customer has used language that is offensive to the company, the service, employees and/or correspondents, this will result in the customer’s account being permanently closed without refund of any amounts due. This is considered a threat of prosecution, defamation, or slander .
Taxi servicesTransporting people within the city
Heavy and bulky materialsLarge items that do not fit in a small car and items weighing more than 40 kilograms .
Luxurious and precious thingsItems whose value exceeds 5,000 Saudi riyals
    • Breach of Shipping Policy : Marni reserves the right to seek to implement any available remedies for any breach of the Shipping Policy, including, but not limited to, the right to block access to Marni’s services and programs .

Third: Pledges & Guarantees

You represent and warrant:

  • To comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Your use of Marni services has never been disabled or prevented from using them at any time.
  • You have full capacity and capacity to contract and that you will not be in violation of any law or contract.
  • To provide correct and accurate information to Marni and update it periodically.
  • To review and comply with any terms, conditions or notices sent through Marni in relation to your provision of services available through the application to customers.
  • You are committed to adopting standards for maintaining the safety of the products transported via your vehicle during delivery, so that orders are delivered in a healthy condition.
  • Do not contract to create sublicenses, issue, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, sell or reclassify Marni services, otherwise you will have transferred the service or exploited it commercially, except as permitted by Under this contract.
  • That you will not use the information, content or any data you access or obtain through Marni Services for any purpose other than for the uses of the application only, and you will use the application and the service exclusively for your own purposes and will not sell it to any third party (including but not limited to Providing any service to any other person).
  • Use the Service or Application for lawful purposes only, and you will not use the Services to send or store any illegal or fraudulent materials.
  • You will not use the service or application to cause harm, harassment, or inconvenience to anyone.
  • It will not hinder the proper operation of the flexible application.
  • You will not attempt to harm the Service or the Application in any way.
  • You will not copy or distribute the application or other content without obtaining written permission from Marni.
  • You must maintain the password for your account or any identification method we provide to you and ensure safe and confidential access to your account.
  • That you will provide us with all evidence that proves your identity, according to Marni’s sole discretion.
  • You will only use Wi-Fi devices or 3G data accounts (AP) that you are authorized to use.
  • Marni has the right to refuse your use of the application and the provision of services through it without the need to provide reasons for such refusal.
  • By taking all regulatory measures related to safety and security, you are also committed to providing insurance coverage for all vehicles that you use to carry out services through the Marni application.
  • By taking all regulatory measures related to the integrity of vehicle documents and the validity of their licenses, as well as the integrity of the documents of vehicle drivers and workers and the validity of licenses, to enable the provision of the service.
  • By establishing a direct legal relationship with customers who use the application, you acknowledge that Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, does not bear responsibility for any action, omission or behavior of customers who use the application towards you, the vehicle and its drivers, and anything related to them. You also acknowledge that you alone bear responsibility for taking reasonable and appropriate measures related to To third parties who deal with the driver regarding delivery and transportation services and services available through the application, and if the assignment of this mutual responsibility between you is not enforceable under the applicable law, you pledge to compensate, defend and absolve Marni from any claims that may arise against Marni and are related to your provision of the delivery and transportation service. In accordance with applicable law.
  • Without prejudice to your right, if any, to have recourse against your driver, you will at all times remain responsible for any action or inaction on the part of the driver towards customers who use the application and Marni, even if the applicable law does not require the subordinate to bear responsibility for the actions of his subordinate. You acknowledge and undertake to ensure that the driver complies with the terms and specifications for providing the service specified by Marni and adheres to and observes them, in addition to all laws, regulations, rules, legislation and decrees that govern or are related to the delivery and transportation service, and you agree and guarantee under this contract to the extent required that the rights, covenants, pledges, representations and obligations The Driver as provided in this Contract applies to, undertakes, accepts and obtains from the Driver, and you acknowledge that you will solely maintain and exercise, where necessary, control of the Driver and bind him to all applicable legislation (including but not limited to tax, duty, social security and labor regulations). ) that governs or applies to your relationship with the driver, and you acknowledge that Marni does not exercise, nor intend to exercise, any control over your business, the driver’s business, the operation of the vehicle, or its physical condition, except as stipulated in this contract, and nothing in this contract creates an employment relationship between you and Marni. or the driver, or makes either of you an agent of Marni, and you acknowledge and agree that you do not have any binding authority over Marni, and you undertake not to consider yourself and warrant that the driver does not consider himself an agent or authorized representative of Marni, and in cases where you may be considered or the driver or both of you, under By binding law, by implication or otherwise, as an agent, employee, or representative of Marni, you undertake and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Marni harmless from any claims made by any person or entity based on any implied employment or agency relationship.
  • You bear any obligations or responsibilities that arise as a result of your implementation of services through the “Marni” application, and you are responsible vis-à-vis customers who use the application for any damages that arise to them as a result of any negligence or errors that occur due to the vehicle driver or for any other reason related to the implementation of the service.
  • That Marni owns and has all the rights (including all intellectual property rights) in the device, the application, the driver application and the data.
  • Under this contract, Marni grants you (and also the driver to the extent required) a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, free right that cannot be transferred or assigned to use the driver application and the device during the term of this contract for the sole purpose of providing and providing roadside assistance and services available through the application in the city. Or from within the city or from outside the city for the benefit of clients. Marni reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.
  • You and the Drivers will protect and maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the Driver ID at all times, and will not disclose it to anyone other than those who need to see the Driver ID in order to provide and provide the Transportation and Roadside Assistance Service. You also undertake to notify Marni immediately in the event of any (suspected) security violation or inappropriate use of the driver ID, device, or application.
  • You and the Drivers will not do any of the following: (1) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute, commercially exploit, dispose of, or otherwise make available to others, the Service, Device or Application. (2) modify works or perform derivative works based on the service, device or application, (3) perform works for purposes other than providing the service based on this contract and the terms of service provision issued by Marni (4) modify, decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble, Except as permitted by applicable binding law.
  • That the driver application or service, from time to time, may be unavailable (for example, but not limited to, due to periodic maintenance or system updating) and that Marni does not guarantee and cannot guarantee the specific availability of the application, driver application or service or a minimum level of availability.
  • That you and the drivers will support Marni in all communications, deal effectively with other partners or drivers if Marni requests that, and refrain from speaking negatively about Marni’s business and its business concept in public.
  • By allowing Marni to ask customers who have used one of your services through the application to comment on the delivery and transportation service and give a grade for the service and the driver. Marni reserves the right to publish such comments and scores on the application or website (or any other platforms owned, managed or controlled by Marni). Marni also has the right to ask you, the driver, or both of you to comment on the customer and give him a score on the driver application. You also ensure that you and the driver provide accurate and objective comments and feedback that do not violate any applicable laws or regulations.
  • While Marni is a distributor and not a publisher of these comments and scores (without any obligation on its part to verify them), Marni reserves the right to reject, edit or remove any bad reviews if those reviews include obscene comments, mention a person's name, or violate any other applicable laws and regulations. Outside of legal or legislative requirements, Marni does not bear any responsibility and hereby disclaims any responsibility for the content and consequences (publishing or distributing) of any comments, scores or reviews, whatever they may be.
  • In the event of a complaint, dispute or disagreement between you or the driver on one side and the customer on the other side or in other appropriate cases where there is a reasonable reason for such disclosure, Marni may, but is not required to, to the extent that applicable laws and regulations permit it to provide to the customer or Relevant authorities or any relevant data (including personal data) about you, the driver or the customer.

Fourth: Declarations

You acknowledge and obtain an acknowledgment from the driver to Marni that, throughout the duration of this contract :

  • You adhere, are committed, and will continue to adhere and adhere to all permits, licenses, and other governmental permissions necessary to perform, implement, and continue your efforts, operations, and business in general, and the delivery, transportation, and roadside assistance service in particular.
  • You will comply with all local laws and regulations, including laws relating to the operation of vehicle transportation services/roadside assistance services, delivery services or transportation services, and you will be solely responsible for any violations of such local laws and regulations.
  • That the driver has a valid driver’s license and that he is licensed to drive the vehicle in accordance with the documents you provide to Marni, and that you have all the appropriate licenses, accreditations and permits to provide the vehicle transport service in the city in which the delivery and transport service is provided or carried out.
  • That the driver has an appropriate and up-to-date level of knowledge and practical experience that enables him to provide the delivery and transportation service, and that the delivery and transportation service will be provided, provided or supported using qualified and appropriately trained drivers who work in accordance with the required skills, care and care.
  • You acknowledge that you and the Driver have obtained and maintain a valid policy of liability insurance (carriage, personal injury, third party or general liability) and other types of insurance available in the market (at usual insurance cover amounts in the industry) in connection with the operation of motor vehicles and/or commercial insurance to cover any From foreseeable risks, damages and losses related to the operation of vehicle transportation services/roadside assistance services, or transportation service (including delivery service). The service provider must submit, with the first request from the Advanced Innovation Company, owner of the Marni trademark, a copy of the insurance certificates to the Marni Foundation.
  • You acknowledge ensuring that the vehicle is kept clean at all times, in good operating condition and conforms to industrial safety standards established for vehicles of that type.
  • The driver’s commitment to ensure that the vehicle meets the quality standards set by Marni at all times.
  • Marni may, at any time, notify you of any amendment or proposed change to the terms of this contract or the agreed-upon fee. If you terminate this contract while retaining the rights due to Marni within a period of seven days, you will have accepted the changes contained in the change notice. In the event that you object to the changes or modifications contained in the change notices, Marni may terminate the contract concluded with you for a legitimate reason with immediate effect and without the need to compensate you in any way.

Fifth: Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights to these services and all materials related to them or that appear on them (including any content that you submit or include and all content that is uploaded to the application, whether from the service provider, the driver, or the customer) are the property of Marni, and Marni has the right to dispose of this property in any way. You want. You must not reproduce or permit anyone, for any reason, to use or reproduce the Services or any trademarks or other trade names appearing on the Services.

Sixth: Prices

The prices shown in the application are based on each service before ordering, and the price may vary according to the region, time of requesting the service, and the availability of service providers within the search area. There are fixed prices for general road breakdown services (battery/fuel/tyres), and for transporting vehicles (flat) there is a meter that depends on the type of flat, the distance, and the duration of the trip traveled by the vehicle, in addition to the time of sending the request .

Seventh: Payment

  • You acknowledge and agree that providing services available through the application to customers will result in fees being imposed on you in exchange for your use of the application and providing the service to customers using the application. The fees also include applicable taxes as stipulated by law. All fees you pay are final and non-refundable, unless otherwise specified by Marni.
  • All fees are due with immediate effect and the method of payment is (bank transfer). Marni also reserves the right to establish, cancel and/or review fees for any of the services it provides through the application. Furthermore, you acknowledge and accept that applicable fees in certain geographic areas may increase significantly during times of high demand. Marni will use reasonable efforts to notify you of fees that may apply to you, provided that you are responsible for fees incurred in your account regardless of your awareness of them. From time to time, Marni may provide some customers who are users of the application with promotional offers and discounts that may result in varying amounts being paid to obtain the same services or goods or to obtain similar services and goods while using the services. You agree that these promotional offers and discounts shall not have any effect. There is also no information available to you regarding your use of the services or the fees charged to you.
  • You acknowledge and agree that you acknowledge and comply with the value and distance calculated by the flexible meter, which the flexible meter guarantees to be 99% accurate, and you agree that the calculated fare and the distance traveled are those calculated by the flexible meter at each transportation operation.
  • You acknowledge and agree that, under any circumstances, and in the event that the Marni meter malfunctions during the transportation process for any reason, whether the reason is due to Marni technologies, or to your equipment, you are committed to obtaining only the basic fare from the customer, which is the amount of 80 Saudi riyals for the transportation process within the city. And an amount of 100 Saudi riyals for the transportation process outside the city, noting that the service provider is not allowed to directly contact any customer if his flexible meter breaks down for any reason, and he must contact technical support to carry out the necessary repair process.
  • You acknowledge and agree that Marni always has the right to review the invoices submitted through the system, verify complaints submitted against the service provided by you, and take the necessary action regarding them without any objection from you, as the service provided can be considered free of charge due to the seriousness of the complaint and the customer’s right to obtain compensation, with the right to Marni will take the necessary measures against you, obtain compensation, and set and implement fines in the event that the service’s image or Marni’s image in front of customers is harmed, as Marni is keen to always provide distinguished customer service, regardless of the circumstances.
  • You acknowledge and agree that Marni always has the right to provide offers and discounts to customers from time to time, in accordance with its marketing plan, and you agree to adhere to the pricing provided in the promotional offer. You also agree that Marni has the right to change prices and offers from time to time without the need for notification or obtaining approval. From you.
  • You acknowledge and agree that you will always be committed to honesty regarding the value and truth of transactions, opening the meter, etc., and you agree that if any fraud, tampering, or deception is discovered, you will be subject to stopping your services and blocking them from the Marni application, in addition to Marni’s right to collect a fraud fine amounting to 1,000 Saudi riyals. In addition to Marni's right to claim compensation for all damages that resulted or will result as a result of this fraud and manipulation.
  • Marni is the entity authorized and responsible for collecting the value of the services provided through electronic or post-paid payments, including corporate clients. Marni authorizes service providers to collect cash payments from customers and supply them to Marni.
  • If the customer or the beneficiaries of the service refuse to pay the service amount, the service providers will be compensated by Marni.
  • Marni has the right to take legal measures or obligations as is applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the place where the service is provided with all parties.

Eighth: Disclaimer

  • Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, will not be liable for any damages, losses, or liabilities, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, incidental, or arising damages, losses, or liabilities in connection with the client(s)’ failure to pay costs to The service provider and what results from it, and the second party is not entitled to claim any compensation in this regard, and the Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the trademark Marni, is not responsible for compensating the service provider for any losses or damages resulting from that, nor is the Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the trademark Marni. Responsible for any damages, losses or expenses arising from his use of the “Marni” application or his reliance on or inability to use the information, materials, products and services available on the application, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, breakdown or delay in operation or Broadcasting or due to computer viruses or failure of lines or systems, even if Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, has been informed by you of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses occurring.
  • Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, will not be responsible for any damages, losses, or liabilities, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, incidental, or arising damages, losses, or liabilities in connection with the services provided by the service provider to the customer, and what may result . For such errors, omissions, or otherwise, the service provider shall be solely responsible to the customer for any damages or losses that may befall him as a result of implementing the service. The service provider acknowledges that the “Marni” application is only an electronic medium for providing the service, and that he bears all responsibility arising from Implementing these services.
  • The service provider agrees to compensate, defend, and absolve Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the trademark Marni, from any (potential) claims or (potential) damages to third parties, including the customer or driver, arising from the provision of delivery, transportation, and roadside assistance services. Once the service is provided to the customer.
  • The Service Provider agrees, undertakes and guarantees that the driver will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Advanced Innovation Company, owner of the Marni trademark (and upon the request of Advanced Innovation Company, owner of Marni trademark, its licensors, suppliers, officers, directors and subcontractors) from all claims, requests or expenses (including (including legal fees), damages, penalties, fines, social contributions or taxes from third parties (including customers, regulators and government authorities) directly related to the Agreement, except for any violation for which Advanced Innovation Company, owner of the trademark, is responsible for Marni Company’s obligations. Advanced Innovation, the owner of the Marni trademark mentioned in this agreement.
  • The service provider expressly agrees that this agreement cannot be considered an employment or that Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, is an agent for the service provider or the driver. Rather, Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, provides the service provider exclusively with a brokerage service in exchange for a commission.
  • Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, shall not be responsible and shall not bear any legal liability for any type of damage or loss (including but not limited to direct, indirect, consequential, punitive or special losses), claims, requests or expenses. (including legal fees), damages, penalties or fines (including third parties) that relate directly or indirectly to the service provider agreement, including (1) the device, the application, the driver application, the service, and the data (2) the service, the trip, and the vehicle (3) Any damages or risks associated with the implementation of the Service Provider Agreement (4) Any action or inaction on the part of the Customer (including payment) (5) The content and consequences (publication or distribution) of any comments, ratings or reviews regarding the Service Provider or the Driver ( 6) Termination of the service provider agreement for any reason.
  • All defenses, including limitations and exclusions of liability, that are in the interest of Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the Marni trademark, apply regardless of the reason on which the legal liability is based (whether failure to pay, tort, or otherwise), regardless of the type of breach of obligation ( Guarantees, contractual obligations or otherwise), on all events and all agreements together, to the extent that no intentional misconduct or gross negligence occurred on the part of Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the trademark, Marni, or its management, as well as for the benefit of its employees, and upon the request of Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the trademark. The trademark is “Merni” for the benefit of the licensing authorities of the Advanced Innovation Company, which owns the trademark “Merni”, and its suppliers and subcontractors.

Ninth: Transactions With Others

  • While using the website, application or service, links may be provided from time to time to websites owned and controlled by others in order to correspond with others, purchase products or services from them, or participate in promotions offered by them. These links will take you outside the website, application and service. It is outside Marni's control, and Marni does not bear any responsibility as a result of your use of these links.
  • During your use of the Website, App and Service, you may correspond with, purchase goods or services, or participate in promotions from service providers, advertisers or sponsors offering their goods or services through a link on the Website or through the App or Service. These links take you outside the website, the application, and the service, and they are out of Men Do Pick control. The websites you may link to have separate terms and conditions as well as a separate privacy policy. Marni does not bear any responsibility for the content and activities of these websites and cannot be held accountable for them. Therefore, you bear all the risks that result from visiting or entering these sites.
  • Please note that these other sites may send their own cookies to users, collect user data, or request personal information, and therefore we recommend that you check the terms of use or privacy policies on those sites before using them.

Tenth: Contract Duration & Termination

  • Marni has the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect at any time (by stopping your use of the application and the service), if you do any of the following: (a) violate or breach any of the user terms, (b) if Marni believes that you are misusing the application or the service. Marni is not obligated to send notice or warning before terminating the contract.
  • Marni has the right, at any time and for any reason, to stop offering your services to customers using the application. She also has the right to terminate this contract at any time and without the need to justify the reason for this termination. The service provider here accepts and acknowledges that he understands this right and that he is not entitled to claim any compensation. If this procedure is done.

Eleventh: Invalidation Of One Or More Rulings

The invalidity of any provision of these User Terms does not affect the validity of the other provisions contained therein, and in the event that there is any invalid provision in these Service Provider and User Terms or there is a provision that is unacceptable in certain circumstances according to the standards of reasonableness and fairness and to this extent only, it shall be effective in its place. between the two parties by a ruling that is acceptable taking into account all the circumstances and complies with the provisions of the void condition as much as possible, taking into account the content and purpose of these User Terms.

Twelfth: Modifying, Stopping Or Canceling The Service & The Terms Of The Service Provider

Marni reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace any provision of these terms and conditions, or to change, suspend, discontinue or permanently cancel the service or application (including, without limitation, the provision of any feature, database or content ) at any time, by posting a notice on the site or sending you a notice through the service, application, or via e-mail that is not conditional on a specific notice period. Marni may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts of the Service or the entire Service without notice or liability .

Thirteenth: Notification

Marni may send a notification by sending a general notice about the service or application on the website or through the application, or by sending an e-mail to your postal address registered in the account information with Marni, or by sending a letter by regular mail to your address registered in the account information with Marni .

Fourteenth: Applicable Law & Dispute Resolution

These terms and conditions and their application to the settlement of any dispute, claim or disagreement arising from or relating to these user terms or any violation thereof, termination, implementation, interpretation or validity thereof or the use of the site, service or application shall be subject to the laws and regulations applied in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and shall be interpreted in accordance with For her.